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3 Tough Career Lessons Every Ambitious Professional Must Learn

career advancement tips career visibility how to get noticed in your career Oct 17, 2024

As a recruitment leader and hiring manager, I've had the opportunity to hire and coach hundreds of ambitious individuals. Through this experience, I’ve learned some tough career lessons along the way—lessons that have not only shaped my career but also the careers of those I’ve coached.

One of the most critical lessons, which I chose to ignore for a long time, was this:


The best candidates aren’t always the ones who secure the job offers.

Instead, it’s the candidates who are the most visible that land the roles.

This is a harsh truth, but one you must understand if you want to thrive in today’s competitive job market. Your skills, experience, and qualifications are essential, but if no one knows about them, how will you stand out?

The good news? Visibility is something you can actively work on.

If you want to ensure you’re seen for all the right reasons, here are three actionable steps to boost your visibility in your career.


1. Identify Who Needs to Know About Your Work

You’ve probably heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” While knowledge is crucial, your network and relationships often have a more significant impact on your career progression.

Start by asking yourself: Who needs to know about my work?

This could include stakeholders, key decision-makers, or even peers who have a direct influence on your projects or potential opportunities. Think about the people in your organization or industry who could be vital in helping you move forward.


Tip: Instead of relying on your boss or just passively applying online, focus on building relationships with those who matter in the hiring process. You can increase your surface area of luck by making sure the right people are aware of your contributions and capabilities. Take ownership of this process.


2. Shift the Focus to Your Career Impact, Not Your Tasks

One of the most common mistakes professionals make is focusing solely on the tasks they complete during their 9-5. While it’s great that you work hard and get things done, it’s more important to highlight the impact of your work.

Ask yourself: What value does my work bring to the organization? How do I solve problems?

When you frame your contributions in terms of how they positively impact the company, team, or project, you paint a much clearer picture of why you’re invaluable. Remember, companies hire people to solve problems, not just to check off tasks on a to-do list.


Tip: Don’t be afraid to showcase the real-world results of your work. As long as you’re stating facts, it’s not bragging—it’s communicating your worth!

3. Take Ownership of Your Wins

In today’s fast-paced work environment, you can’t rely on others to champion your achievements. You need to take ownership of your wins and find creative ways to highlight them.

Here are a few ideas to get started:

  1. End-of-Year Impact Videos: Create a video that showcases your team’s achievements and the problems you helped solve throughout the year.
  2. Prepare for Performance Reviews: Keep track of your successes throughout the year, so you can present a compelling case during your performance review.
  3. Share Thought Leadership on LinkedIn: If you have expertise in a specific area, share your insights on platforms like LinkedIn. Thought leadership is an excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and elevate your professional visibility.


No matter where you are in your career, visibility makes all the difference. It’s not just about what you do but who knows what you do.

No matter where you are in your career, visibility makes all the difference.

It's not about what you do, but WHO knows what you do.


Rooting for you,

Angel Kilian


P.S. If you're ready to learn how to increase your visibility and advocate for the value of your career, I'm here to help! Join the waitlist for Career Accelerator or book in a private coaching application call.

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